
Super Bowl Sacking Hunger Challenge

In the spirit of friendly competition and service, the Bishop of the Great Plains UMC Annual Conference (home of the Kansas City Chiefs) challenged the Cal-Nevada Annual Conference (home of the San Francisco 49ers) to a canned food drive. Churches in both annual conferences collected food that would then go to local food banks in the area. While the overall result was similar to the game with the Kansas City area “winning” the competition, we are very happy to report that the Ione Community UMC and our friends at Creekside UMC combined to collect over 280 pounds of food that were then donated to the Amador County’s Interfaith Food Bank. It was a fun effort and we know that the friends at the Food Bank will put it to good use serving our neighbors.


In Person Worship

The Covid-19 Pandemic caused us to make many changes and to be ready to adapt as needed. Here in 2023 we are back to worshiping in person together in the beautiful historic sanctuary at the Cathedral of the Motherlode.


After going months (which felt like years) without singing, we are back to singing. We have a small set of worship leaders and encourage the congregation to fully participate in song.


The pandemic brought our children’s Sunday School program to a halt. We are currently looking to relaunch Sunday School. If you are interested in helping to get this program going again please feel free to reach out.